The trouble with companies is that they’re full of people, and people insist on having unique personalities and distinct voices. It’s no wonder that, when we take an honest look at our content, issues of consistency and tone of voice invariably creep into our conversations. Continue reading
Want to Write Well? Open a Doerr

Want to write masterfully? Read masterful writing. For example, open a Doerr—something written by Anthony Doerr, that is. Continue reading
Yes, You Can Jump-start a Car with a Prius: A Technical-Communication Hero Story

How often does a technical communicator get to be the hero? I got my chance recently. Well, the real hero is a mindset that I share with all technical communicators. Here’s what happened. Continue reading
How Many Prepositions Can You Use in a Row? Or … When Is a Preposition an Adverb (or a Verb Particle)?
How many prepositions can you use in a row? Or … when is a preposition an adverb (or a verb particle)? Continue reading
Empower Your Team to Write with One Voice While Still Sounding Like Themselves

As long as companies are full of people, and as long as people insist on having separate personalities and distinct voices, companies need to take action to empower their content teams to write with one voice. Continue reading
How to Write the Kind of Descriptions Your Readers Crave

Your readers crave descriptions so compelling that they see, smell, touch, hear … experience what you’ve put into words. Whether you write fiction or nonfiction, for pleasure or for pay, Ali Shaw’s new video explains how you can meditate your way to the descriptive details that may be eluding you. Continue reading
Do You Feel Bad or Feel Badly?
I admit it: I’m thrilled to see my latest article published today on Mignon Fogarty’s Grammar Girl blog. Loved what I learned in researching this piece. If you nerd out on language, you’ll find some brain candy in here beyond the simple answer to the headline’s question. Dig in, and let me know what you think! Continue reading
Tighten This! A Special Emergency One-Time-Only Revival Competition Edition
Special revival edition of the Tighten This! game.
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Writers, How Much Should You Leave Unsaid?

I chopped off the first four paragraphs, massaged the middle, and refashioned and refashioned the ending—oh, how I wanted to say things there!—until nothing remained but what had happened. Continue reading

“Sir, I need to see your ticket,” the bus driver says. A young man, maybe in his early twenties, is walking toward the back of the bus, where I’m sitting… Continue reading