You’ll Want to Take This Espresso Black … and White (and in Color)

The things I learn from Vinnie Kinsella, who is designing my book even as I write this. Recently he told me about Powell’s Books new Espresso Book Machine. If Powell’s doesn’t have a book you want, as long as it’s listed in their catalog, you can print yourself one—a library-quality paperback—on the spot.

Talk about cutting edges. The machine is not only on the cutting edge of publishing, it does the edge cutting. Literally.

Vinnie is working with the folks at Powell’s to print some prerelease copies of my book for an early-October workshop. I’ve heard of printing on demand, but who ever heard of books while you wait? You want cream and sugar with that?

2 thoughts on “You’ll Want to Take This Espresso Black … and White (and in Color)

  1. No way! This video is amazing! Thanks for sharing. I kept thinking of my Grandma, born in 1911. She talked about all the inventions that came out in her young adult years and how she would think, “What will they come up with next?” That’s how I’m feeling.

  2. Wendy, I remember some of those inventions that Grandma mentioned: zippers, nylons. Electricity in homes was new. The power to produce one’s own book would have been undreamed of, let alone the ability to print one on a whim while you stroll through a store.

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