Curious about content strategy? Get Scott Abel and Rahel Anne Bailie’s new book, The Language of Content Strategy, for which I wrote the foreword and fifty-two content strategists wrote chapters. This book defines terms like content audit, adaptive content, content engineering, content model, and intelligent content. And, of course, it defines the term content strategy itself.
Beyond defining content strategy, this book exemplifies it, as Scott noted yesterday on Facebook:
The Language of Content Strategy is not just a book. It’s an XML, single-source, multi-channel publishing project and a content marketing meets content engineering case study. Here’s one of the outputs from our project: A deck of terminology cards (generated with DocBook content from the Confluence Wiki pushed to Adobe InDesign). True single-source publishing. The card decks are learning aids and will be available for sale on our book website. Coming soon!
Card game, anyone?

The Language of Content Strategy card deck (coming soon). You can get the book today on Amazon and elsewhere.
From the publisher:
The Language of Content Strategy is the gateway to a language that describes the world of content strategy. With fifty-two contributors, all known for their depth of knowledge, this set of terms forms the core of an emerging profession and, as a result, helps shape the profession. The terminology spans a range of competencies with the broad area of content strategy.
Inside the Book
The Language of Content Strategy defines fifty-two terms that are central to the discipline of content strategy. Each term has been defined by an expert in that area, and each definition contains an essay that describes why that term is important.
Terms are grouped into five categories: Core Concepts, Core Deliverables, Technical Concepts, Extended Deliverables, and Global Content.
About Scott Abel
Known as The Content Wrangler, Scott Abel is an internationally recognized global content strategist, lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley, School of Information, EContent Magazine columnist, and a vibrant speaker frequently employed at content industry events. He co-produces several content industry events including Content Strategy Workshops and the Intelligent Content Conference.
Scott’s message is clear: Content is a business asset worth managing efficiently and effectively. He works to help content-heavy organizations adopt the tools, technologies, and techniques needed to connect content to customers.
About Rahel Anne Bailie
Rahel Anne Bailie is an integrator of content strategy, requirements analysis, information architecture, and content management to increase ROI of product lifecycle content. She is also a supporter of content structure and standards. She is founder of Intentional Design, Fellow of STC, co-author of Content Strategy: Connecting the dots between business, brand, and benefits, and co-producer of Content Strategy Workshops.
For more, see the XML Press page.