Dip in to this list anywhere, and give your inner editor’s funny bone a tickle. Take “hurriedly scurried.” Or “moral high horse.” Or “live studio audience.” “Old codgers.” “Old coots.” “Old fossils.” “Old ruins.” “Commonly available general knowledge that anyone would know.” I don’t make this stuff up. Bonus: Smiling at redundant phrases sharpens your writing. Warning: These things are addictive. Continue reading
Tag Archives: Filler words
Tighten This! A Special Emergency One-Time-Only Revival Competition Edition
Special revival edition of the Tighten This! game.
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Ta Ta, Tighten This!

The final post in the Tighten This! game.
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Tighten This! Challenge Sentence 60 [writing/editing game]

How would you tighten this week’s Challenge Sentence? “The successful candidate will be the key leader and customer advocate working closely with…” Continue reading
Tighten This! Challenge Sentence 59 [writing/editing game]

How would you tighten this week’s Challenge Sentence? “There remains a lot of confusion about what buyer personas are and aren’t and how…”
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Tighten This! Challenge Sentence 58 [writing/editing game]

How would you tighten this week’s Challenge Sentence? “In this tutorial you’ll find a demonstration of techniques for eliminating preposition bloat through…” Continue reading
Tighten This! Challenge Sentence 57 [writing/editing game]

How would you tighten this week’s Challenge Sentence? “Often, the focus is on transferring meaning and vocabulary, so much so that…”
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Tighten This! Challenge Sentence 56 [writing/editing game]

How would you tighten this week’s Challenge Sentence? “This individual uses their understanding of the marketplace to advise and lead internal…” Continue reading
Tighten This! Challenge Sentence 55 [writing/editing game]

How would you tighten this week’s Challenge Sentence? “The adoption of virtualization technologies in the data center has opened the environment to a…” Continue reading
Tighten This! Challenge Sentence 54 [writing/editing game]

How would you tighten this week’s Challenge Sentence? “I thrive in environments where I interface with the public, learn new applications, develop…” Continue reading