Don’t take life too seriously, this book seems to say. We might as well have the audacity to laugh. Continue reading
Don’t take life too seriously, this book seems to say. We might as well have the audacity to laugh. Continue reading
Dip in to this list anywhere, and give your inner editor’s funny bone a tickle. Take “hurriedly scurried.” Or “moral high horse.” Or “live studio audience.” “Old codgers.” “Old coots.” “Old fossils.” “Old ruins.” “Commonly available general knowledge that anyone would know.” I don’t make this stuff up. Bonus: Smiling at redundant phrases sharpens your writing. Warning: These things are addictive. Continue reading
Special revival edition of the Tighten This! game.
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The final post in the Tighten This! game.
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How would you tighten this week’s Challenge Sentence? “The successful candidate will be the key leader and customer advocate working closely with…” Continue reading
How would you tighten this week’s Challenge Sentence? “There remains a lot of confusion about what buyer personas are and aren’t and how…”
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How would you tighten this week’s Challenge Sentence? “In this tutorial you’ll find a demonstration of techniques for eliminating preposition bloat through…” Continue reading
Want a timeless, painless tip that quickly helps you clarify your writing? Look for the little word “it.” Continue reading
How would you tighten this week’s Challenge Sentence? “Often, the focus is on transferring meaning and vocabulary, so much so that…”
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How would you tighten this week’s Challenge Sentence? “This individual uses their understanding of the marketplace to advise and lead internal…” Continue reading