Hey, tech writers. Adobe published a story today that you might appreciate. It’s my story of using their FrameMaker software to save one of my clients $16,000 and cut six weeks off a project’s translation schedule by single sourcing two user guides.
Read the story here:Â Saving the Day, Every Day.
I also tell the story on video. Click the first image to watch it on the Lavacon YouTube page. Click the second image to watch it right here.
Way to go, Marcia! That’s using your thinking cap–and good software, too!
Thought you’d agree, Danielle. I just added a link to my video version of the story (told at Lavacon).
How cool to see my search of company archives provide fodder for your blog.
Great story! Way to go. If I needed to hire a writer, you would be it.
Wendy, I can put you in touch with my business manager.