Blogger and technical communicator Tom Johnson interviews Marcia on the importance of writing skills in today’s techno-savvy world.
Curious about content strategy? Get Scott Abel and Rahel Anne Bailie’s book, The Language of Content Strategy, for which I wrote the foreword and to which over fifty content strategists contributed. This book defines terms like content audit, adaptive content, content engineering, content model, and intelligent content. Beyond defining content strategy, this book exemplifies it…
Kudos to the Vancouver Community Library in Vancouver, Washington, for this brilliant example of delivering the right words to the right people at the right place and the right time. Good, old-fashioned content strategy. Who needs a map with a navigation aid like this? Continue reading
Scott Abel, The Content Wrangler
A few posts ago (see What Brand R U?), I invited all XML-inclined readers to take a break from their hard slogging and have a little fun by concocting recipes for a drink I call the XMLonball Splash. My one taker—Scott Abel, THE Content Wrangler—submitted such a witty, creative recipe that no one else dared to even attempt to compete. Made the judging easy.
I’ve tried a variation on this delicious recipe (with who-knows-what substituted for the cactus juice liqueur), and I have to warn you:Â don’t drink this and drive.
Below are two versions of the recipe, one with and one without XML tags. According to Scott, any code abuse you might notice—that is, any shenanigans within the brackets—is intentional.
Thanks for playing along, Scott. You make the wranglin’ world go ’round.
The XMLonball Splash—With a Twist of Code Continue reading